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Choice cheese chick chair chain child kn- initial. Skate Skateboard Skill Skunk Skeleton Sky Skip Skin Skirt Ski.

Resources For Teaching Blends And Digraphs Make Take Teach Digraph Words Phonics Words Word Work

What are the most common digraphs and what order should I teach them.

List of digraphs and blends. -An chart with corresponding pictures. These diagraphs produce a unique sound when they are pronounced properly. The 2nd list includes work that end with CK as well as words with the k sound.

Consonant Digraph Word Lists. Common three consonant blends include. Knight knot know knife knit knock ph- initial.

They are not blends. This product provides 2 lists of words. Str spl and spr.

Bl gl cl plfl sc sm st sk sn sw sl sp br fr tr cr gr dr pr. Some blends contain three consonants clusters such as strspl spr shr scr squ str. Other worksheets combine digraphs.

Digraph TWO LETTERS PUT TOGETHER AND YOU HEAR ONE SOUND. Digraphs are consonants that combine to create a single sound. When together in a word they are pronounced in.

This product provides a spelling word list that teachers and students can use in the classroom. Bl br ch ck cl cr dr fl fr gh gl gr ng ph pl pr qu sc sh sk sl sm sn sp st sw th tr tw wh wr. This video explains what consonants blends and digraphs are in detailThis video is the second video in a larger series on how to sound out and pronounce w.

Digraphs and Blends Galore. The most common are sh ch th and wh but. Ch ng sh th tch.

-Half Page flashcards -Quarter Page flashcards -Quarter Page picture cards They can be used in MANY different. One list includes words with blends digraphs and digraphblends. In this post I will be sharing word lists for digraphs words sh ch and th.

For example in the word friend the f and the r are pronounced the usual way and sound as they normally do. You will hear the sounds of both the words that form the blend. These digraph words charts can also be used on the display wall and since the digraph is highlighted they work well with beginners.

Initial or Final Digraph. Consonant blends also called consonant clusters are groups of two or three consonants in words that makes a distinct consonant sound such as bl or spl Consonant digraphs include. Consonant Blends with S Word List.

Hear the sounds in the above blends. I have used only short vowel words. Use our blends worksheets to support your childs understanding and use of blends.

Use our Blends Digraphs Display Cards to help children learn. When teaching blends most teachers introduced them in groups. Sk sp st ld lf lk lp lt nd nk nt ft mp pt rt.

CH chair KN knight PH photograph QU queen SH shoe TH thumb WH whale WR wrench BL blender BR broom CL clock CR crown DR drum FL flag GL glove. Digraphs are the group of two successive letters that would represent a single sound or sometimes a phoneme. The above image is for l blend words.

For example a word like stump contains a beginning blend st- and ending blend -mp and may be too difficult for a child just learning about blends. A consonant digraph is two adjacent consonants that produce one speech sound. Blends are also called consonant clusters.

A digraph is two letters that make just one sound. As there are lots of blends with s we decided to give you a separate list of consonant blends with s. Some examples of diagraphs include ai au ch ck aw ay ea ee ei ey oo oy sh th wh.

For example in the word thin the t and the h are not pronounced in the usual way. It is thought that these clusters along with nk and sk should be taught later rather than at the beginning. Example Words ch- initial.

Digraphs are combinations of two or three consonant sounds too but the original letter sounds change. We like to call the most common consonant digraphs the h brothers. Shoe shout shark ship sheep shout th- initial.

You can download this poster in this post Some common digraphs are ch ph sh th and wh. Blends when two letters come together but you hear both sounds. Ch sh th thr ph wh ck kn wr.

Read the words and highlight the blend. For example a teacher may choose to introduce the l-blends first bl cl fl gl pl and sl followed by the r-blends. Scare Score Scarf Scary Scissors Science the c in these words are silent Sk.

Other worksheets combine blends giving children the opportunity to distinguish between similar sounding blends. Some of the phonics activity sheets focus on a single digraph. List of Vowel Digraphs with Example Words.

Phone photo phonics phrase physician pharmacy sh- initial.