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Or if you want to ask how someones doing you can say Haleh shoma chetor ast which means How are you If you want to introduce yourself say Esme man followed by your name and ast For example you could say Esme man Sarah ast To say thank you in Farsi just say. How do you say greetings in Farsi.

Learn Persian Persian In Three Minutes Greetings Youtube

Do you speak.

Hello how are you in farsi. How are you in Persian. Have a nice day Have a nice weekend Bon appetit Bon voyage Yes No Maybe I dont know Do you understand. To say common words in Farsi say salam or dorood if you want to say hello to someone.

Haale shoma chetoreformal and haalet chetore - or - haalet khubeh- or- chetoriinformal. How to say hello how are you in Farsi. اسم شما چیه esme shoma chieh.

Delam barat tang misheh 4. Most people say Hi Hey or some other variant. What does my love mean in Farsi.

What is your name. What does Chetori mean in Farsi. I want to go home.

I understand I dont understand Please speak more slowly Please say that again Please write it down Do you speak English. Hello Salam سلام Handsome Khosh-tip خوش تيپ _____ Note. Is سلام حال شما چطور است.

Hello General greeting dorood درود salâm سلام. When you are translating Iranian language to English you should translate it Persian. A formal phrase that is still used in casual conversation is Salaam haale shoma chetoreh which is the formal way of saying Hello what is your condition which is used to say Hello how are you This phrase is using the formal you shoma which can also imply that.

Welcome Hello How are you. Mikham beram khooneh 5. Im fine thank you.

ممنون خیلی kheily mamnoon Thank you very much 8. A formal phrase that is still used in casual conversation is Salaam haale shoma chetoreh which is the formal way of saying Hello what is your condition which is used to say Hello how are you This phrase is using the formal you shoma which can also imply that. How do you.

But you need to use these polite Farsi phrases to survive and be respectful in day-to-day life in Iran as well as Afghanistan Tajikistan and other places that speak Farsi. The Farsi for hello how are you. To your friend- Chetori.

Baad az zohr bekheir. May I come in in Persian. Where is Farsi spoken.

شما اهل کجاید shoma ahl e koja hastid. It means Eshgham in Farsi. Friendly Hal e shoma chetoor ast.

To say How are you in Farsi say hale shoma chetor ast Other ways to say How are you include halet chetore and haletun chetore Practice saying How are you by using an audio resource. May I come in. I want to go home in Persian.

What does Shab bekhei mean. Greeting Salam va ashnai. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing.

خداحافظ -khodahafez Goodbye. حال شما چطور است hale shoma chetor ast حالتون چطوره haletun chetore حالت چطوره halet chetore vinf - چطوری Reply to How are you من خوبم ممنون شما چطوريد man khubam mamnun shoma chetorid. سلام حال شما چطور.

Iran Tajikistan Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. Salam dooet e man. For example in English people dont often greet you with Hello.

Chetori informal way of asking How are you Haleh Shoma Chetor Ast formal way of asking How are you Theres a couple of ways of saying it. Hello how are you. To greet someone Khosh amadid.

Hello hi Salam How are youChetori. How are you. Long time no see Whats your name.

I miss you delæm bærat tæng misheh. Where are you from. خوبم khoobam Im doing well.

Pleased to meet you Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night Goodbye Good luck Cheers.